Building Cohesive Teams Programme

“Always do everything you ask of those you command.”

– General George S. Patton, U.S. Army



This 1-day programme is targeted at high-performance teams. Participants will learn how to manage the task, the team, and the individual within a practical interactive environment utilising military principles and concepts to build cohesive teams. Teams will leave with tools and strategies to excel within their workplace and an ability to overcome any challenge, setback, or obstacle inculcating the will to win in any environment!


Who is this programme for?

  • New Teams and New Team Leaders.

  • Experienced Teams and experienced Team Leaders.

  • High-Performance Teams.

  • Teams who work within complex environments.

  • Teams seeking to enhance performance.

  • Teams seeking to lead and win.

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand group dynamics and your role in the team.

  • Discover the interconnected relationship between the task, team and, individual.

  • Understand how to implement planning and delivery frameworks for both large and small tasks.

  • Develop the ability to interpret complex information and communicate it to your team using military formats.

  • Develop confidence in your skills as a leader and member of the team.

  • Apply battle-tested military principles and strategies to help you lead and win.

  • Experience realistic military scenario training to implement the strategies and principles learned within a dynamic environment.

  • Leave as a cohesive team that excels within the workplace.

team dragging tires


Programme Length:

1 Day

Programme Size:

Maximum 10 Participants
Minimum 5 Participants


Chapel Hill Farms, Kerikeri, Bay of Islands, 0230
Wayby Station Farm, Wellsford, 0972


Programme Fees:
$1490 + GST (Enquire about our Group Rate Discounts)
$150 + GST (Required for Kerikeri Only)

For convenience, we have two training locations available for this programme.
Wayby Station Farm, Wellsford: Located in Wellsford approximately 60 Minutes North of Auckland with transport to/from a central Auckland location. Lunch included.
Chapel Hill Farms, Kerikeri: Located in Kerikeri, Bay of Islands. There is an additional cost of 1-night stay accommodation on arrival the night prior to the programme start date. Transport to and from Bay of Islands Airport and Lunch on the day of the programme is included.